An IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecture was hosted by School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad on August 30, 2022, at the School of Life Sciences Lecture Hall. Professor San Murugesan Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University, Australia delivered his lecture on the  topic “How Emerging Information Technologies Could Shape the World Ahead”, Professor Atul Negi, currently the Chair of IEEE Hyderabad Section welcomed the speaker to a mixed audience comprising of IEEE members, faculty from School of Computer and Information Sciences, and students from University of Hyderabad. Professor Chakravarthy Bhagavati, Dean School of Computer and Information Sciences welcomed all to the University.  Dr. Jabbar Chair of IEEE Computer Society Chapter of IEEE Hyderabad Section gave an overview of the IEEE Distinguished Lecture series. This was followed by the lecture.

In a very lively interaction meeting with students and faculty members, Prof. Murugesan started his talk about the history and evolution of modern computing. He discussed the pre microprocessor era and how humanity and computing progressed together in the last seven decades. He briefly explained the present and future of computing with the modern cutting edge technologies like quantum computing, AI and Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Metaverse and Web 3.0, Blockchain and other Cyber Security aspects, and also regarding Green and Sustainable Technologies. Finally he discussed the impact of all these technologies on humanity and that humanity must take certain measures to avoid negative consequences of IT in the society.  He also emphasised on the demanding and ethically aligned IT for future. While concluding his speech he mentioned how the job market will generate new jobs which requires these modern skills in the near future.

The event closed by Dr. Jayaprakasan, Treasurer, IEEE Hyderabad Section offering the note of thanks. The lecture was followed by a Q&A session in which students and faculty members of the School of Computer and Information Science participated actively.

Later Prof. Murugesan was felicitated by the Dean, SCIS and had an extended discussion with the faculty of the School of Computer and Information Sciences.