Mohammed Naseeh Kozhithodi, a student pursuing his Integrated Master’s in Anthropology at the College for Integrated Studies, University of Hyderabad, was recently selected to participate in the Summer University Course – The Power of the Visual: Creative Documentary and Human Rights, at the Central European University, Budapest. The summer course, held from July 8th to July 13th, 2024, was co-funded by the Open Society University Network (OSUN) and the Blinken OSA Archivum.

Mohammed Naseeh Kozhithodi

Developed collaboratively by faculties from six academic institutions working in the field of film and visual arts, the course aimed at advancing the individual documentary projects of the participants, and raising awareness of documentary films as cultural and social capital and an important change-making tool.

Naseeh’s documentary project explores the sensory practices of Hyderabad and the role they play in mediating historic and community consciousness among Hyderabadi Muslims. Naseeh had previously won the award in the Best Script category at the Harmony Virtual Film Festival, as part of the Erasmus+ Harmony Project, which he was part of. He had also attended a three-week student boot camp as part of the Harmony Project, in Varna, Bulgaria, last summer.

This outstanding accomplishment is complemented by Naseeh being the only participant from India in the course, with the travel and accommodation covered by the Central European University Summer University program (CEU SUN).