The University Grants Commission has initiated efforts to identify standard journals and weed out predatory/dubious/ deceptive journals in order to ensure that Indian academic work appears only in globally recognized and acceptable journals. It has established the Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) tasked with the creation and maintenance of a “Reference List of Quality Journals”.

In connection with CARE, the UGC has pioneered a programme to conduct a series of Workshops in the four nodal centres of CARE Universities. The “best practices” in research was discussed at the National Workshop on Research Integrity & Awareness was organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), South Eastern Regional Office (SERO), Hyderabad on 5th August 2019 at the University of Hyderabad (UoH).

Speaking at the inaugural session, Prof Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor, UoH gave an insight into “Research & Ethics” and said, “Integrity and Ethics are very important for every PhD scholar. He advised to promote truth avoid inaccuracy in their Research work. He also mentioned students should have Clarity and Methodology for analysing their research work”. Prof. Appa Rao said researchers need to be accountable to public and he also mentioned some important ethics for researchers such as, Honesty, Objectivity, Integrity, Carefully Examining the work, Respect for Intellectual Properties and Confidentiality.

Dr. P. J. Narayanan, Director of IIIT, Hyderabad while speaking on “Need for Research Integrity – Implications” said that if researchers do Adhere to basic values then in the long run it would also affect the upcoming generations to follow the same which will be a big problem to the society. He also asserted that Integrity and Ethics should be inculcated within themselves more than for the sake of others.

Prof. B Raja Shekar, Director-IQAC at UoH spoke on the UGC regulations for recruiting faculty with excellent academic and research record in the Universities and initiatives to strengthen the iqac’s functioning. Dr. G Srinivas, Joint Secretary, UGC-SERO, Hyderabad gave the welcome address, while Dr. Archana Thakur, Joint Secretary, UGC, New Delhi explained the purpose of this workshop.

The day-long workshop consisted of presentations on “National Policy on Academic Ethics” by Prof S.R. Gadre, Professor at Savitribai Phule Pune University; “UGC-CARE List and Research Matrices” by Prof. Shubhada Nagarkar, Savitribai Phule Pune University; Role of IQAC in Enhancing Academic Integrity” by Prof. B Rajashekar, Pro Vice-Chancellor, UoH; “Research Methodology & Implementation in Humanities and Social Sciences” by Prof. Pramod K. Nayar, Department of English, UoH; “The Need of Hour – QIP” BY Dr. Archana Thakur, Joint Secretary, UGC, New Delhi. There were also “Sharing of Best Practices implemented in Research Methodology” by participating University/Institutes.

The workshop was attended by more than 200 plus participants at the level of Dean (Research) / Dean (Academic) / Director (IQAC) from various Universities and Institutions in the southern region.