The Government of India has announced 11 chairs in the names of eminent Indian women scientists in various fields to inspire, encourage and empower women. One of the chairs is named after Prof. Parimala Raman, former Adjunct Professor of School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad. She is the only living Indian woman scientist to get this honour.

Prof. Parimala Raman


The 11 Chairs have been instituted in various areas of research including Agriculture, Biotechnology, Immunology, Phytomedicine, Biochemistry, Medicine, Social Sciences, Earth Science & Meteorology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics & Fundamental Research.

Prof. Parimala did her PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai in 1976 and immediately joined TIFR as a faculty member where she stayed till 2007 and then moved to Emory University, USA where she is presently employed. Prof. Parimala was an adjunct faculty of Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad from 2008 to 2010. The department which was then a part of School of Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences conducted an international conference to celebrate her 60th birthday on 30th December 2008 – 4th January, 2009, one of the main organisers being Prof. V. Suresh of the school, who was a PhD student of Prof. Parimala Raman at TIFR.

Contributed by Dr. S. Ilangovan