It was an interesting Story Telling workshop for more than 45 youngsters and professionals at the Golden Threshold on Sunday 16 June 2013. The workshop moderated by Prof. Ashish Gosh, a veteran theatre Practitioner and President of the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ) India saw a detailed discussion on various elements of Story telling and practical exercises were demonstrated by the participants.  The interest was so much among the participants that the same workshop is being extended to 23rd  June 2013 giving more inputs and details.

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An informal committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Vinod Pavarala is planning to offer various short term weekend courses for the city crowd starting from the forthcoming semester. Once it materializes, there will be a continuous flow of knowledge dissemination from the University of Hyderabad to the city of Hyderabad.

More details can be had from Dr. Ramarao Peddi on 9391005610.